Doctors Index Listing
Doctors Index {Doctor/Patient}
Doctors Index {Patient/Doctor}
Selection Screen
The M/R-0480 Doctor Selection data screen is used for selection criteria.
Discharge Date (Y/N) : this field is used to inform the system whether or not to use Discharge Dates in generating the report.
Service Code (Y/N) : this field is used to inform the system whether or not to use Service Codes in generating the report.
Doctor Type : this field is used to inform the system how to use the Doctor Type in generating the report.
Discharge Disposition : this field is used to inform the system to use the Discharge Disposition in generating the report.
Patient Type Code : this field is used to inform the system to use the Patient Type in generating the report.
Doctor Number Or Zeros For All : this field is used to inform the system to use the Doctor Number in generating the report.
The Process Button will generate and print the reports.
The Cancel Button will return to the menu.
Doctor Index Listing Report # X-4800
Doctor Patient Listing Report # X-4804
Patient Doctor Listing Report # X-4805
Selection Information